News and Updates

Please take a look at the Nickel Reorganization page. There are actions for all Nickel users to complete before May 30, 2020.

Welcome to the NBMG Data Management Documentation Library

Please also refer to for other topics. Content here will eventually be migrated to that page.

This website is the first iteration of an effort to consolidate and organize all of NBMG’s documentation. This is a work-in-progress - some links are currently placeholders, and content will be added over time.

Updates and meeting notes may be hosted in the “Posts” section of the page. This may also be used to preserve email communication that may have helpful Navigate to various pages using the toolbar to the left, and within pages using the dynamic navigation at the top of each page. You may also search documentation using the “Search” bar on the top right.

Note on contributing: To add a new post or edit this wiki, you need a github account. You can also email the curator of the wiki ( directly with a MS word, text document, or markdown document that you would like updated. This is a public site, so do not post any sensitive or proprietary information. Instead, provide links to files within the firewall (for example, on our file share server).